The Six Intuition Styles from a Body-Based Perspective
There are six primary intuition styles, each connected to how your body naturally receives and processes psychic information. By understanding which of these resonate with you, you can strengthen your connection to your inner knowing and learn to trust what your body is telling you.
1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
Body Cue: Visual flashes, inner visions, or sudden mental images.
Clairvoyance is the ability to receive psychic information through images or visual symbols. From a body-based perspective, these visions often come in moments of stillness or quiet, when your mind is relaxed, and your body is open. You might experience flashes of insight, like a quick movie playing in your mind’s eye.
How to deepen this ability: Create a quiet space where your body feels at ease. Allow your eyes to gently close and let the images come naturally. Pay attention to what you see, without forcing or questioning it. Notice if these visions come with specific physical sensations—a tingle, a shiver, or a warm feeling in your chest.
2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
Body Cue: Ringing in the ears, internal voices, or clear messages.
Clairaudience is about receiving psychic information through sounds, words, or even voices. You might hear guidance that sounds like it’s coming from within or even from an external source, but it’s often your intuition speaking to you. Physically, you may feel sensations around your ears or neck when this happens.
How to deepen this ability: Tune into the soundscapes around you and within. Practice sitting in silence, allowing your body to be still, and focus on the subtle shifts in sound. Pay attention to any ringing, whispers, or internal dialogue that feels different from your usual thoughts. Trust what you hear, even if it feels unusual at first.
3. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)
Body Cue: Emotional shifts, physical sensations, or gut feelings.
Clairsentience is one of the most body-based intuition styles. It’s the ability to feel psychic information through your body and emotions. You might experience sudden changes in how you feel or notice physical sensations, like a tightening in your chest or a flutter in your stomach, when something is energetically off or aligned.
How to deepen this ability: Practice tuning into your body throughout the day. When you feel a sudden change in emotion or sensation, pause and ask yourself, “What is my body trying to tell me?” Notice if these feelings come in specific situations or around certain people. Your body is always guiding you—start listening closely.
4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)
Body Cue: Sudden insights, mental downloads, or bursts of knowledge.
Claircognizance is the intuitive ability to just know something without understanding why or how. This can feel like a sudden download of information or a strong sense of certainty about a situation. It’s often accompanied by a physical feeling of clarity or lightness, as though the body knows the truth before the mind can catch up.
How to deepen this ability: Practice trusting those sudden hits of insight, even when they come without explanation. When you feel a strong, undeniable “knowing,” tune into your body—do you feel more open, relaxed, or energized? These are signs that your claircognizance is speaking through your body. The more you trust this ability, the more it will strengthen.
5. Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)
Body Cue: Unexplained tastes in the mouth, sensations of different flavors.
Clairgustance is a lesser-known intuition style that involves tasting psychic information. You might suddenly taste something in your mouth without eating or drinking anything, often representing a message or memory. This ability can be subtle, but it’s a powerful way your body communicates intuitive insights.
How to deepen this ability: Pay attention to any sudden or unusual tastes that arise during moments of stillness or meditation. Notice if these sensations correlate with particular thoughts or situations. Your body may be using this clear taste to give you clues about what’s happening on a deeper level.
6. Clairolfaction (Clear Smelling)
Body Cue: Unexplained smells or scents.
Clairolfaction is the ability to receive intuitive information through smell. This might show up as smelling flowers, perfume, or other scents that aren’t physically present. These smells often carry a deeper meaning or message, especially when they seem to come out of nowhere.
How to deepen this ability: When you experience a sudden or unusual scent, take a moment to check in with your body. What are you feeling emotionally or physically at that moment? Trust that these scents are offering insight, and start to tune into how they show up for you.
How to Use Your Psychic Abilities to Deepen Your Intuition
Your psychic abilities are always working with your body to guide you. The key is learning to trust what you’re feeling, sensing, or hearing without dismissing it. By practicing body-based awareness and connecting with these intuition styles, you’ll find that your psychic abilities naturally deepen, allowing you to navigate life with more ease, flow, and clarity.
Daily Practice: Take 5-10 minutes each day to sit quietly and check in with your body. Ask yourself what sensations, feelings, or insights are coming through. The more you create space for stillness and reflection, the more your psychic abilities will have room to speak—and the more you’ll trust the wisdom within.